Celebrating the Unsung Heroes: National Teaching Assistant Day

Thank you teaching assistants!

National Teaching Assistant Day is a special occasion to honour and celebrate the incredible work of teaching assistants (TAs) and other support staff who play a pivotal role in the educational journey of pupils. These dedicated individuals are often the unsung heroes of our schools, working tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure every pupil has the support they need to succeed.

Table of Contents:

  • How Do Teaching Assistants Support in the Classroom?
  • How Can We Celebrate the Impact of Teaching Assistants?
  • How Can Schools Support Teaching Assistants Year-Round?

How Do Teaching Assistants Support in the Classroom?

Teaching assistants are more than just extra pairs of hands in the classroom; they are essential contributors to the learning environment. They work closely with teachers to deliver personalised support, helping to bridge the gap between diverse learning needs and the curriculum. 

How does your teaching assistant make a difference?

  • TAs provide one-on-one or small group support to pupils who need extra help, whether they’re struggling with a particular subject or have special educational needs. This individualised attention is crucial in helping pupils gain confidence and achieve their full potential. Due to frequently building very positive, long-lasting relationships with these pupils, your TA will often be the best person to check-in with or discuss any concerns regarding the pupils they support. They can also assist you when making assessment judgements as they will have witnessed their strengths and areas for development first-hand. 
  • Managing a classroom of diverse learners can be challenging for teachers. TAs play a key role in supporting positive behaviour management and in turn helping to create a calm and conducive learning environment. They work with pupils to develop social skills, resolve conflicts and encourage respectful behaviour. It can also be very useful for your TAs to feedback to you on any changes to behaviour, concentration or attitude that they notice that you may not be aware of while teaching.
  • Inclusivity is at the heart of a successful educational system, and TAs are champions of this cause. They support pupils with disabilities, ensuring they have access to the curriculum and are fully included in all classroom activities. Their work helps create an inclusive environment where every child feels valued. Perhaps you assign your TA certain tasks that further support pupils with SEND to ensure all pupils have access to a broad and balanced curriculum.
  • For many pupils, TAs are a trusted adult they can turn to for emotional support. They listen to pupils' concerns, offer guidance and provide a reassuring presence in the school. This emotional support is often just as important as academic assistance in helping pupils thrive. Sometimes TAs will undertake social and emotional groups, interventions or other small group and one-to-one provision. This supports pupils to develop confidence and resilience while enhancing relationship building. 


How Can We Celebrate the Impact of Teaching Assistants?

National Teaching Assistant Day is an opportunity for us to recognise and celebrate the profound impact that TAs have on the educational experience of many pupils in our care. Their contributions often go unnoticed, but without them, our schools would not function as effectively or inclusively.

To celebrate this day, you may wish to try some of the following ideas to show how much your teaching assistants mean to you:

  • Organise a special event at your school to publicly acknowledge the hard work of TAs. This could include a breakfast, lunch or assembly where pupils and other staff members share their appreciation and favourite memories with the teaching assistants in your school.

  • Encourage pupils to write thank you notes or create artwork expressing their gratitude for the support they receive from TAs. This not only makes TAs feel valued but also teaches pupils the importance of appreciation. Ask pupils to consider particular moments where a TA helped them move forward in their learning or understanding. 

  • Use social media platforms to highlight the contributions of TAs in your school. Share stories, photos and quotes that illustrate the positive impact they have on pupils' lives and encourage the school community to interact and share their gratitude too.

  • Celebrate the day by offering professional development opportunities specifically for TAs. This could include workshops or training sessions that acknowledge their professional growth and contribution to education.


How Can Schools Support Teaching Assistants Year-Round?

While National Teaching Assistant Day is a wonderful time to celebrate, it's important to remember that supporting TAs should be a year-round commitment. Schools can foster a supportive environment for TAs by:

  • Providing regular professional development opportunities to ensure TAs are equipped with the latest strategies and tools to support pupils effectively.
  • Creating collaborative spaces and encouraging open communication and collaboration between teachers and TAs. Recognising TAs as vital members of the educational team can enhance their sense of belonging and value.
  • Schools should provide clear pathways for career advancement for TAs, recognising their skills and experience by offering opportunities for further qualifications and promotions to continuously upskill and motivate them.

How Can Pango Support Teaching Assistants?

At Pango, we have a range of supportive materials to support everyone who works in the classroom. No matter your role, we have everything you'll need - from multiplication games to science knowledge organisers, visual resources such as videos to intuitive AI tools to support the creation of personalised interventions. Sign-up today and receive a free 7-day trial.