We’ve had an incredibly exciting first quarter here at Pango as we onboarded some amazing quality publishers as Pango Partners. We’re delighted with the huge range of content these publishers are offering our teachers, ensuring that Pango is a one-stop shop for planning and resourcing for the summer term and beyond.
The Pzaz Science Scheme of Work has everything you’ll need to deliver engaging, outstanding science lessons throughout the year. All requirements of the National Curriculum are met by the PZAZ scheme including the Working Scientifically Statements.
As pupils go through the scheme, they will become adept scientists who are able to ask and investigate their own questions, present and analyse their results and critically evaluate their experiments. Teachers will become more confident too, as PZAZ provides training videos which run through all the activities in lessons as well as simply explain the concepts behind each topic.
Like what you see? Check out Pzaz on Pango here.
Buzzard Publishing
We really enjoyed the process of onboarding Buzzard Publishing onto Pango as we were challenged to think about how best to present the wealth of resources in their various product suites at a level that would suit Pango teachers. Pango is hosting three of the Buzzard brands, each of which serves a very different need for teachers.
Get The Buzz supports teachers in delivering an engaging maths curriculum, enhancing any maths scheme. It houses some amazing resources for arithmetic practice, SATS preparation and developing early number understanding, all of which can be found here.
The resources offered by Infinity Memory Resources are the perfect complement to any lesson. Many Pango teachers prefer to include these resources as part of their lesson starter, as a brain break mid-way through or in the plenary to complete some much-needed AfL. Spanning maths, English, science and geography, these resources are colourful, engaging and easy to use.
Check out the suite from Infinity Memory Resources here.
What’s next?
We have some more incredible Pango Publishers lined up for release in April and May, watch this space for more information. In the meantime, if you’re a publisher who is interested in joining the Pango family, simply click here and we’ll be in touch soon afterwards to have a chat about our potential partnership opportunity.