Pango Blogs

Transition Time: 15 Activities for Easy Transitions at Primary School

Written by Rachel Murgatroyd | Jun 2, 2023 12:23:14 PM

The need for transition day activities is fast approaching as the school year draws to a close. This period in the school calendar can be bitter sweet, as teachers across the UK bid farewell to their old class and welcome the new. But the most important thing to remember is that it can be a delicate time for many children. Each child will react differently to this unfamiliar territory. Whether emotional, excited or a little hint of nervousness, our transition day activities are here to help make the process as smooth as possible.

Table of Contents:

The Importance of Transitional Day Activities

Helping students transition smoothly between year groups is crucial for fostering a positive learning environment and encouraging personal growth. Whether moving from KS1 to KS2 or above, each stage is as important as the last. It's about helping each child feel confident and comfortable in their new surroundings. Harnessing this confidence through dedicated transitional activities, can help the children know what to expect for the upcoming year. To help ease the transition, we’ve compiled a list of 15 engaging and interactive activities you can use to foster camaraderie and familiarity before the next school year starts. Add them into your next lesson plan today.

15 Awesome Activities to Make Transition Time Easier Than Ever

We know transitional day activities are important, but if this is your first time you may be wondering which are best for your class. Our top 15 activities to do this transactional day include:

1. Knowing Me, Knowing You Cards

These cards ask children to share information about themselves with you. This transition day activity allows you to get to know your students before the new year starts. You can download a template for these cards here.

2. Getting to Know You Bingo

This is a wonderful ice-breaker activity for transition day. Students go around the class finding someone who matches a square on their bingo board, helping them learn about their classmates while having fun. You can create your own, or use our free, ready-to-use bingo card.

3. Letter to the Next Year Group

Have your pupils write a letter to their future teacher, sharing their expectations, fears, and hopes. We’ve got a lesson plan here to help year 6 students prepare for secondary school, but this transition day activity can be adapted to any year group and is great for practising letter-writing skills in addition to preparing pupils for the year ahead.

4. Friendship Letter Template

Encourage your pupils to write a letter to their new classmates, nurturing the seeds of new friendships. Alternatively, get them to write a letter to someone they know well who will be in their new class. In this transition day activity, they can share how they can support one another during this time. Friendship letter templates are a great way of making this transition activity more engaging and separating it from other school-year tasks.

5. All About Me

Use this 23-slide PowerPoint on transition day to guide you through a range of activities and lesson ideas for how you can get to know your students better. The PowerPoint is packed full of fun ideas to ease any nerves on transition day.

6. Pupil Passport

Either create a passport template to hand out to students or get them to create their own, where they can share:

  • their name,
  • a self-drawn portrait,
  • facts about themselves,
  • what helps them learn,
  • their goals for the new school year.

You can make this transition activity age appropriate by lowering the difficulty of the questions. For example, asking students for their favourite colour and animal instead of strengths and weaknesses. To take away some of the prep work, you can download a free passport template here.

7. Transitional Colouring Page

Boost pupils’ spirits with an encouraging poster they can colour and then put up on their wall for positivity throughout the summer. This ‘I am a Star’ bunting is a nice way of helping pupils reflect on their achievements from the previous year, while they prepare to transition into the next.

8. Set up a Question Box

Ask everyone to write down a question they have about the new school year and put them in a box anonymously. Then mix up all the papers and pull one out and answer it to the class. This transitional activity allows you to answer their questions, without anyone holding back because they’re too shy to ask.

9. Fact or Fiction

Adapt the “two truths and a lie” game by asking pupils to come up with one fact and one lie about themselves. You then go around the room asking each pupil to share their “facts”. Everyone must then guess which is the truth and which is the lie.

10. Children’s Name Word Search

Utilise an online tool for this next transitional day activity to create a word search (or crossword) with your new pupils’ names. It's a fun, engaging way to familiarise everyone with each other’s names.

11. “I Cans”

In this next transitional activity, ask your pupils to write five things they feel competent at. This helps you to understand their strengths and boost their confidence. These things can be school related (such as “I can recite all my times tables”) or just something about them (such as “I can do the splits”.)

12. Give a Compliment

Once students are acquainted (either toward the end of the transition period or because they are an established class), have them get into groups of 5 or 6. Then ask them to write their name on the top of a sheet of paper. They then pass their paper around the group and each person writes a compliment about that person on their paper. This transition activity promotes positivity, confidence, and mutual appreciation.

13. Hula-Hoop Circle

Go outside (or into the hall) and ask pupils to stand in a circle holding hands. Then break the circle and put the hula hoop on one pupil’s shoulder. They then must work together to get the hula hoop around the circle without letting go of each other’s hands. This transition activity is a lot of fun and builds camaraderie.

14. Line Up

Ask pupils to stand in a line (all facing toward you, shoulder-to-shoulder) and ask them to get into different orders, such as height, age, or house number. There are two ways to play this, you can either get them to do it without speaking or ask them all to stand on a bench and manoeuvre around one another without falling off.

15. Question Chain

Sit in a circle and turn to the pupil on your left and right and ask them a question. They have to answer the question, and then turn to the subsequent person and ask a new question. Alternatively, play in smaller groups in a “Don’t Forget the Bacon!” style. This is where the first person asks a question, then the next answers the question and asks a new one, and the third answers both questions and asks a new one, and so on. This is especially hard as they have to remember the question but give their own unique answer!

Transition Your Class With the Help of Pango’s Activity Resources

Transition time is not just about saying goodbye to one year and welcoming the next; it's about helping students adapt to new environments, build new friendships, and develop a sense of belonging. As teachers, we have the opportunity to make this transition smoother and more enjoyable with the help of activity resources.

And remember, to make lesson planning for the new school year a breeze, check out the plethora of resources available on Pango. The time-saving and progressive schemes, lessons, and supporting resources across nine subjects will save you time and help ensure that you are fully prepared to welcome your new students. To explore all the resources Pango has to offer, start a free trial today.