Back to School - How to Prepare for September Teaching

Get ahead on preparing for September with our ultimate guide for teachers. From what you should be planning, to how to set your classroom up ready for the first day the kids are back - look no further! We take you through the 8 top things to consider ahead of September 1st. 

Table of Contents:

  • Lesson Planning
  • New Classes 
  • Seating Plans 
  • Decorate Your Classroom 
  • Classroom Rules 
  • Organise Supplies 
  • Reward Scheme Planning 
  • Personal Goals 
  • Work on CPD

Get a Head Start on Lesson Planning

The best way to ease into September teaching is by being ahead on your lesson planning from the very beginning. By now you most likely know what year group you’ve got this year and which curriculum you’re following. Get the first few weeks of all subjects’ lessons planned to avoid the Sunday scaries each week! With our pre-planned lessons and resources, you’ll find it easier than ever to deliver a great class tailored to your students' needs that inspires them. 

Prepare to Meet Your New Class

If your new class has already been in the school for a year or two, it’s likely that you or your colleagues will know the students well. Take time to ask your fellow teachers: 

  • About your new studentskids, 
  • Learn how to pronounce their names, 
  • Their favourite subjects, 
  • Any challenges individual students might face so you can support them from day 1  

Do Your Seating Plan

When getting to know your new students, it’s likely you’ll have begun to understand the friendship groups and the children that don’t work so well next to each other. Use this information to create the ultimate seating plan, where each child is in the best position for learning with those they feel comfortable with around them.  

This is a great time to decide how you want your tables set up too. Whether that is an inclusive horse-shoe, small groups of tables, or rows that all face the front. 

Decorate Your Classroom 

One way to make sure September feels like a fresh start is to decorate your classroom! Depending on your personal style and interests there’s so many ways to decorate the room. Don’t forget to plan out what’s going to go on your boards for the term as well - make sure they’re engaging for students and have useful information they need such as how to recycle in the classroom! 

Layout Your Classroom Rules

Even the best behaved class needs the rules laid down from time to time, and September is a great opportunity to review the rules you have in your classroom. Do you have certain periods of the day that are quiet times? Is there a certain way students should ask for help? Make sure these rules are clear, concise, easy to remember, and perhaps even displayed so students can refer to them easily in those early September days. 

Organise Your Classroom Equipment & Supplies

September, before the kids are back, is the perfect time to take stock of what supplies and equipment you have at school. Do you have enough pens, papers, and workbooks? If not, take a trip to the supplies cupboard. Is your interactive whiteboard and projector calibrated correctly? Is your email working properly so you’ll be ready to receive emails from colleagues and parents? 

Plan Your Pupil Reward Scheme

Many students work well with a reward scheme, if you plan to implement one in your class September is the time to think about how it could work. Perhaps a star chart where individual students can win stars for achieving certain personalised goals? What will their prizes be? 

Set Your Personal Goals for the Year

Although we’re here to ensure our students reach their goals, it’s important we have our own for the school year ahead to keep us motivated. Your personal goals can be anything from going for that promotion to head of year, to setting up a new after school club to enrich your students' lives. 

Work Towards Your CPDs

CPD (continuing professional development) is something that all of us work towards. If you’ve been set specific goals by your school why not get a head start for the year on any online courses or work you have to achieve these. 

Get Ready for September with Pango

Be the most prepared you’ve ever been for September with Pango! Our library of resources span the whole national primary curriculum. From history resources, to geography activities and PSHE worksheets, our high-quality teaching materials are just a click away. Why not try our premium resources? Sign-up today and receive a free 7-day trial.