National Space Week

National Space Week

As teachers, we have a unique opportunity to inspire curiosity and wonder in our pupils, and there’s no better time to do so than during National Space Week! This annual celebration, held this year on the 4th-10th October 2024, is dedicated to exploring the mysteries of the cosmos, highlighting the achievements in space exploration and imagining what the future holds.

National Space Week offers a chance to spark a lifelong interest in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) while encouraging pupils to think beyond the world they know.

Table of Contents:

  • Why Celebrate National Space Week?
  • How to Bring Space Week into your Classroom
  • Space-Themed Resources

Why Celebrate National Space Week?

Space Week brings together pupils, educators in schools, scientists and enthusiasts from around the globe to focus on a shared fascination with space exploration. From the Apollo moon landing to Mars rovers and upcoming missions to the Moon and beyond, space has always been a source of inspiration for children and grown-ups alike! Here are a few reasons why it’s a fantastic opportunity to bring space into the classroom:

  • Space exploration invites pupils to ask big questions: What’s out there? Are we alone in the universe? How do rockets work? These questions can ignite a sense of curiosity that drives deeper engagement in scientific enquiry and problem-solving.
  • Space topics naturally integrate elements of STEM education. From calculating rocket trajectories to understanding the physics of space travel, pupils can see how maths and science are applied in real-world scenarios. This helps them appreciate the importance of STEM skills and consider careers in these fields.
  • Exploring space also teaches pupils about our planet’s place in the universe, promoting a sense of global citizenship and environmental stewardship. Understanding Earth from a cosmic perspective can make pupils more conscious of environmental issues like climate change and resource preservation. For more information on how you can inspire pupils to look after our planet, check out this blog.


How to Bring Space Week into your Classroom

Lesson Plans

National Space Week is a fantastic time to incorporate space-themed lessons across a variety of subject areas. Here are a few ideas:

  • Science: Explore the moon, solar system, galaxies, black holes and the history of space exploration. Encourage pupils to create models of planets or simulate rocket launches.

  • Maths: Have pupils calculate distances between planets or plot out rocket trajectories. For older pupils, delve into more complex topics like orbital mechanics.

  • English: Read space-themed books and stories. From classic science fiction to biographies of astronauts, there’s a wide variety of literature to explore.

  • Art: Let pupils create their own visions of space exploration, from drawing spacecraft to designing futuristic space colonies.

Interactive Space Activities

  • Stargazing events: Organise a stargazing night where pupils can observe planets, stars and constellations. If possible, connect with local observatories or use virtual tools like NASA’s “Eyes on the Solar System" for real-time space exploration.

  • Space engineering challenge: Have pupils work in teams to design and build their own model rockets or lunar landers. This hands-on activity encourages teamwork, creativity and an understanding of engineering principles.

  • Virtual tours: Take a virtual tour of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory or the International Space Station to give pupils a closer look at real-life space missions.

National Space Week is a fantastic opportunity to inspire the next generation of scientists, engineers, astronauts and space enthusiasts. By bringing the wonders of the universe into your classroom, you’re helping pupils dream big, think critically and recognise the limitless possibilities of the future.

As we celebrate Space Week, let’s remember that every question we ask, every experiment we try and every new fact we learn brings us closer to unlocking the mysteries of the universe. The sky is not the limit — it’s just the beginning!

What are your plans for National Space Week? Let’s inspire the future together!


How Can Pango Support You in Delivering Space Week Activities?

Our ready-to-teach Science lessons include specific, space-themed units, ideal for inspiring your pupils during Space Week.

Our units include plans and resources from Pzaz, Teacher of Primary and Focus Education, with a range of video content also available. Our plans include the following space-themed topics:

We also have resources, quizzes and assessments available too.

Sign-up today and receive a free 7-day trial to explore the science schemes of work and space-themed lessons and resources available.