Adam Still

Adam Still

Maths Teacher, CEO of Pango

More from Adam Still
Does the 'Look, Cover, Say, Write, Check' Spelling strategy work?

‘Look, Cover, Say, Write, Check’ Spelling Strategy - How Does it Work?

One of the most prolific spelling strategies is known as the 'Look, Cover, Say, Write, Check' method. But what are the benefits and drawbacks to this way of learning for a child?

Spelling is a skill some children pick up quickly and naturally while others struggle for years. Sometimes spelling struggles come hand-in-hand with reading difficulties, but sometimes children struggle to spell while finding reading a breeze. With so many different learning styles and levels in the same class, how do you teach spelling in a way that is accessible and beneficial for all? Discover how the ‘look, cover, say, write, check’ method works and whether it could be beneficial to your class.

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Top Tips for ECTs to prepare for September

8 Top Tips to Help ECTs Prepare for September

Back-to-school time is right around the corner and for ECTs (early-career teachers) it’s a time full of anticipation and excitement. Over the next few weeks, it’s time to celebrate all your successes that have led you to this new school year, continue recharging your batteries, and start your preparation so you don’t have to deal with any last-minute stress.

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EdTech in the classroom

The Future of EdTech: Technology’s Place in the Classroom in 2022 and Beyond

While there’s no doubt that the use of technology in classrooms and learning environments has grown steadily over time, the pandemic was the event that hit the accelerator and brought EdTech to the forefront of every learning environment. The EdTech sector grew by 70% in the UK alone in 2020 as educators rushed to establish quality learning environments for their students remotely.

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National Numeracy Day

National Numeracy Day Activities: Fun for KS1 & KS2 Maths

Number day maths activities can make this year's National Numeracy Day engaging for your class. The day itself is all about increasing confidence in the maths skills we use in our everyday life, lending itself perfectly to a day of fun maths activities and challenges in the classroom! Read on for some fun numeracy activities to inspire your KS1 or KS2 class with a love of numbers, great not only for National Numeracy Day but all year round.

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